Pride is seldom delicate; it will please itself with very mean advantages.
A man who withstands all stress given by his spouse and keeps mum on all major matters of his house, often stays long at the workplace because the training imparted by a wife comes handy in the service life to either endure the undue job pressure or release it on others to impress the boss. - Anuj Somany
Knowledge, you may get from books but wisdom is trapped within you, release it. - Ismat Ahmed Shaikh
They'll get my Kindle when they pry it from my cold dead hands, if my corpse will release it. - Elizabeth Horton-Newton
Stupidy is easy, everyone can learn it... You just say to stupid stuff and you are the big Job,... but try to be a wise that's what's hard and most people just try to destroy the wise people why??Because they are too stupid to realease it! - Deyth Banger
Breathing is a lot like creativity. Like an inhale, you receive an inspiration, you let it run through the unique magnificence of who you are, and then you release it into the world, letting it go, unattached to the way it needs to look. - Jill Badonsky
Because someone imagined it so we have, if you can imagine it you can release it. - Newton Kibiringi
Insanity is coasting through life in a miserable existence when you have a caged lion locked inside and the key to release it. - Morgan Freeman
re: cutting glass..."You have to be in command of the glass, telling it where to release its hold on itself. Just like life. Otherwise it will splinter. - Susan Vreeland